Reading 1

(found this in my drafts I thought I posted this 3 weeks ago!!)

Reading one was about using blogs in education it covered What a blog is, why use one, and the advantages of using a blog in the classroom. A blog is a web based publication much like a journal or diary but different in the sence that it is written with the intent of being read. It can have categories what are useful especially for a blog like this where I can have a category for “Networked Media” and a less formal more personal category called “living in Melbourne”.

But one of my favorite key points made was the benefit of collaborative learning. Giving students the chance to share notes, gain peer support, ask/answer questions, reflect on our work and have the teacher understand. We can link to each others blog using a Blogroll 

Top blog writing tips I gained from this reading!

  • Write so the subject makes sence to everyone
  • Tag & categories smart
  • Use a Blog roll
  • Be active. Comment, share, ask, answer, be part of the larger community
  • Take care in your writing its public!


overall this can let teachers see students honest opinions and understandings, let students see others understandings

Miles, Adrian. Blogs in Media Education: A Beginning [online]. Screen Education, No. 43, 2006: 66-69.

CC what is it?


Firstly what is copyright? and what is the difference between that and  creative commons?  When work is produced it automatically has a copyright that gives ownership to the person who made the work this can be anything from a song to a painting to a writing. No one can use or publish this work without permission from the creator first otherwise they are stealing especially if someone is making money from someone else work.

CC or creative commons is different. It gives the creator more control on what can be done with there work because while publishing on the internet you might well want your work to be shared to get your music, artwork or photographs out to more people and give your work a wider audience. Creative commons lets this happen without having to give permission to everyone who wants to share it. The only thing that needs to be done is the person sharing it has to give appropriate acknowledgement and or credit for the work.

Putting it simply its a licence that lets the owner have more control and flexibility. The different types of CC licences are:

  • A Attribution – where work can be shared freely along as acknowledgement is given
  • NC Non commercial – No one can make money from the work.
  • ND No derivatives – Work cannot be changed, no adaptions or remixes.
  • SA Share Alike – Work can be changed but it must be shared under the same licence as it was originally under.

These licences can be used simultaneously, you can choose how your work is shared or re-piublished.

When it comes to my blog at the moment I only have a CC licence but I will change it to a NC and SA. I like to take a lot of photos I don’t consider my photos very well done but I spend a lot of time editing them to make them look great and I would hate for someone to be making money off my hard work. I could say the same when I comes to my writings, I don’t feel I am a fantastic writer but I wouldn’t like someone to be making money from my stories and experiences. In the future I might change my licence and make my work more open.  This will change the way i blog, before I had no knowledge of CC  now I will actively look for the symbols and know what they mean. I will respect other peoples work and not break the law also people might change their mind like me and I have to look out for that when sharing work.

If you want to learn more or choose your own licence click here.


So Far…

…had two lectures and two workshops. The fundamentals of blogging have been covered and i’ve been trying to get my head around setting my blog layout the way I want it (WordPress is reminding me of my BeBo in 2010).

I’ve to write blog posts about this class, the readings, lectures and reflect on my learning etc. But I have a chance to also use this as an opportunity to have a personal side to my blog and I’ve been pounding on what that can be. I think using it as a travel journal and write about my as an exchange student. Hopefully other exchange students can read it and have some insight on what its like.




RMIT Student Charter

The RMIT Student Charter states 4 key values for staff and students.

This is how I will include these values in my blog writings;

  • Creative;  I will be creative and original not plagiarising any work and working to my best efforts to creative original content. I will respect everyone equaly including those who also work and study at RMIT while accepting responsibility to all my decisions in regards to my studies.
  • Connected; I will write my honest feedback about my time here at RMIT paticularry Networked media, including assessment and reflection of my own works to improve in my work and be the best that I can be. I will be up to date and accurate at time of writing.
  • Fair; I will always treat people fairly and equally. I will not harass or discriminate anybody for any reason. I will not copy others works. Aknowlage the university in all the efforts and resources it provides.
  • Passionate; Speaking for itself I will always put 100% into all my writings including those for assessments and lunge myself into all opportunity.


Heather Kerrigan.